
One of Cuprum Group's strategic objectives is to operate in a sustainable manner with social responsibility. Therefore, our Sustainability Strategy is comprised of three pillars that represent the simultaneous creation of environmental, social, and economic value through our business practices.

Cuprum Sostenibilidad

Social Value

Commitment to Employees and Community.

Action Lines:

  • Health, safety, and well-being of employees
  • Culture, diversity, and talent development
  • Community investment and development

Integrity and Business Continuity

Integrity and Business Continuity.

Action Lines:

  • Corporate governance strength
  • Culture of ethics, compliance, and transparency
  • Risk management

Environmental Value

Operational Efficiency and Waste Management

Action Lines:

  • Energy and emissions
  • Waste management
  • Sustainable products
  • Responsible value chain

Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy is fundamental to long-term success and the creation of shared value. Through it, we reflect the company's commitment to proper management of natural resources and social responsibility. By integrating these approaches, we mitigate risks, create an inclusive and diverse workplace, attract talent, and contribute positively to our communities.

Relevant Figures:

  • 333,702 training hours
  • $1.5 million USD invested in Employees
  • $6.3 million USD invested in Health, Safety, and Environment
  • 16% renewable energy consumption
  • 74% clean energy consumption goal for 2028
  • 14% decrease in employee turnover rate and 1.2% unionized
  • 6,835 community beneficiaries
  • +10 strategic Community Development activities
  • Bronze recognition in Ecovadis for outstanding sustainability performance
  • 25% of vacancies filled with internal talent

Environmental Dimension

  1. Energy efficiency and use of renewable energies
  2. Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy
  3. Circular economy and waste management
  4. Products with sustainable attributes

Social Dimension

  1. Customer service
  2. Product quality and user safety
  3. Health and safety at work
  4. Corporate culture and commitment to employees
  5. Talent attraction, retention, and development

Economic Dimension

  1. Financial strength and flexibility


Informe de sostenibilidad

Sustainability Report

For Grupo Cuprum, it is highly valuable to share how we contribute to generating economic, environmental, and social value.

Through our sustainability reports, we communicate the key actions and initiatives that form the group's strategy, including major achievements, challenges, and progress in sustainability, social responsibility, health, well-being, community, and safety. These efforts are always aligned with our higher purpose is "Reach the unreachable to create happiness, safety and well-being."

Download Cuprum Sustainability Report